At Philadelphia Art Handling, we provide expert art installation, packaging, storage, and transportation services.

We have experience helping individual clients as well as large commercial, non-profit, and museum clients with their art handling needs.

In addition to our normal services we stretch canvas for artists, build custom crates, and move art all along the East Coast and Canada

“Philadelphia Art Handling LLC  is an Art Handling service to help move art around the Philadelphia and the surrounding area. As an art student in Philadelphia I noticed it was always difficult to move my work back and forth to shows since I didn’t have a car and worked large. I want to solve that problem for others. I have over 6 years of experience moving, hanging, shipping, and transporting art and am excited to be a piece of the puzzle bringing the Philadelphia art community closer together!”

-Orlando Saverino-Loeb, CEO

Meet your Art Handler


Orlando Saverino-Loeb is a Philadelphia born artist. He has his BFA from Tyler School of Art at Temple University, and graduated with the Senior Painting Award. He founded Philadelphia Art Handling in 2021 and has been working as an artist for the past 11 years and from 2019 has held the position of Technical Director at HOT•BED, an art gallery concept in Philadelphia. He has a background in Technical Theater, Industrial Design, Construction, and Art. He has worked as a direct assistant for the COO and Director of Appraisals at PALL MALL Art Advisors (now part of The Fine Art Group) where he gained first-hand experience in the business of the art world as well as seeing and being involved in the appraisal process.

He has experience moving high value pieces with care and efficiency. Clients include: Art Guard Art Security Solutions, Center For Emerging Visual Artists (CFEVA), Exhibition HUB, InLiquid, Michener Museum, Registrars Group, Thomas Jefferson University Scott Library, University of Pennsylvania, University of the Arts, as well as verious interior design companies, art galleries, and private clients.

His own work is influenced by surrealist imagery, the compositions in 19th century Romanticism paintings, and extended stays in Italy. He deconstructs the environments he’s experienced, and rebuilds them as reflections on humans and their activities. He uses characters, symbols, and visual metaphors to create a sense of familiarity that facilitates the creation of unique new ideas and insights in the mind of his viewer.

His work has been shown at the Stella Elkins Tyler Gallery, the InLiquid Gallery, Fleisher Art Memorial and the DaVinci Art Alliance among others. In 2018 he was selected to participate in the BecomeBecome residency in Sardinia, Italy, during which he presented in their first symposium talk at the Stazione Dell'Arte - Museo d'arte contemporanea in Ulassai. He has continued to show work as a member of DaVinci Art Alliance, and during 2020 he had six paintings in an international show in Paris with the DF Art Project, as well as showing work with Air Mattress Gallery, NYC virtually, and with SOLAS Studio, NYC. More recently he has shown in Philadelphia at the OFF THE WALL gallery and the National Apartments through InLiquid. You can see more of his work on his website.


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